The warm fuzzy feeling in the belly remains.
But today, there’s the white discharge. Dunno howla it got there, on day 37! Takkan baru ovulate kot. I remembered having cervical cramps on Day 22 & 23. If that is no joke, then by right I should be having my menses today. But there are still no sign of that going to happen anytime soon. My breasts are tender, not stiff, there is no cramps even, down there.
I am so bothered, I start building my action plan:
1. Tomorrow (Tuesday): Test my first morning urine
a. If one line appear, keep my composure as the previous stick had told me the same thing. Next, move to #2.
b. If two lines appear, dance & hug the Hubs and give him some good news!*chicken dance*
2. I have half a day to think whether to:
a. Go to Cold Storage and buy Dimes Pineapple Juice, and needless to say, finish the whole bottle.
b. Do nothing in the morning, go to TTMC for the visiting gynae’s opinion and request referral letter
(Now, I also got to think and think and think about this, my friend did not recommend this gynae. And it’s a MALE GYNAE. Macam malu je? Hiks)
c. At the end of the day, after taking either one option, wait for the result………….
3. The day after tomorrow (Wednesday): Wait and wait and wait. And play some Kinect sampai lebam.
4. Thursday: Final day of ding-dong whether or not I am pregnant. GO SEE DOC.
If the result is NOT PREGNANT, go buy the friggin ECPI and drink sampai period!
With the plans in mind, I should start thinking of choosing my gynae. The criteria must be:
- Recommended
- Female
- Specialist
- Opens at night
- In PJ/Damansara/KL area
Now can anyone recommend any gynae that fits the bill? Help!!